yoga -yoga at home-benefit

we have a guide to how we can do yoga at home? full solution of yoga.We have come with full guide of yoga  from yoga journey to process of yoga which we can follow for doing yoga.

yoga-yoga at home -yoga poses
yoga at home

history of yoga 

Yoga is one of the most ancient sciences of India. It offers time-trusted technique for physical, mental and spiritual development. It constitutes an important aspect of human life.

It is considered to be a science, as ancient as the human race from the past. Yoga has the capacity to bring about a fundamental transformation in the individual .

Surya a namaskar is an ancient form of yoga. This form of yoga is a complete meditative technique for our best health life. It includes asans and pranayam. It is a combination of 12 different postures(position, steps), followed in a particular sequence with a specific breathing pattern.

It helps an individual to vitalize and unblocks the whole system. It reduces fat from almost all parts of the body as it stretches and tones each and every muscle.

How to practice Surya namaskar

there are twelve postures or positions in Surya namaskar. Their benefits described in the points.

which yoga is best for beginners

1.first of stand with your feet together and palms folded in front of your chest. close your eyes properly.
  • Promotes balance
  • stimulates the respiratory system
  • exercises shoulder

2. second step of yoga (Surya namaskar)

back and neck muscles raise your arms over your head and shoulders with the palms touching each other and biceps touching your ears. Stretch your abdomen as much as possible and lean backward.

  • Promotes balance
  • promotes digestion
  • exercises arms and shoulder muscles
  • tones the spine
  • promotes flexibility in back and hips

3.bend forward and place your palms at the side of your feet.touch your knee with the forehead and exhale deeply.
  • Promotes blood circulation
  • tones abdominal tracts
  • stretches back and leg muscles
  • stimulates spinal nerves
  • stimulates lymphatic system

4.take one leg back and place the other leg in the front with palms firm on the ground(landscape). Raise your head and inhale
  • exercises spine
  • strengthens hand and wrist muscles

5.bring the leg that was in front next to the other one and keeps the hips off the floor with both your hands supporting the body in a push-up position and exhale.
  • Stimulates blood circulation
  • strengthens the heart
  • strengthens wrist and arm muscles
  • relives neck and shoulder tension

6. in this step lower your knees, chest, and forehead with your palms firmly on the ground next to your chest and elbows bent upwards. Hold your breath here.
  • Strengthens leg and arm muscles
  • increases flexibility in neck and shoulders
  • stretches arms and shoulders, neck and back muscles
  • releases tension neck and shoulder

7.lower your waist and raise your upper body. look upwards you're and keep your arms straight. Then inhale at a slow pace.
  • Stimulates circulation to abdominal organs
  • tones digestive tract
  • stretches upper and lower body
  • promotes flexibility in the back
  • stimulates nerves in spine

8. in this step raise your hips and bring your head to the floor with eyes on the navel and heel on the floor. This position will exactly look like an inverted "v" then exhale.
  • Stimulates blood circulation
  • strengthens the heart
  • strengthens wrist and arm muscles
  • relives neck and shoulder tension this step the posture is the same as the fourth step and inhale.
  • Exercises spine
  • strengthens hand and wrist muscles this step the posture is the same as the third step and exhale.
  • Promotes blood circulation
  • tones abdominal tracts
  • stretches back and leg muscles
  • stimulates spinal nerves and lymphatic system
11.this stage is the same as the second stage and inhale.

  • Promotes balance
  • promotes digestion
  • exercises arms and shoulder muscles
  • tones the spine
  • promotes flexibility in the back and hips
12.this stage marks the final stage of Surya namaskar(yoga) and it is similar to the first stage. You have to breathe normally here.

  • Stimulates respiratory system
  • exercises shoulder
  • back and neck muscles

the benefit of yoga

yoga is a holistic exercise that provides physical, mental as well as spiritual benefits. it provides a workout for the muscles. it also benefits joints, ligaments and the skeletal system by improving flexibility and balance.

which yoga is best for heart

it is good for heart and stimulates the cardiovascular system. it oxygenates the blood helps strengthen the heart. it is good for the digestive system, the nervous system and supports the respiratory system.

which yoga is best for brain

it enables the various endocrinal glands to function properly and reduces tension and anxiety. if you suffer from insomnia, yoga will help you sleep well. thus yoga is useful in many psycho-physical ailments.

yoga is the best medicine for a healthy life. we have not got the best result in few days . it is a long process following 12 steps will help you with better results.

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